Observability goes beyond monitoring. We propose a monitoring strategy focusing on observability, to ensure complete and in-depth visibility including all levels of the infrastructure.
Why choose the Titaan Suite?
It upturns the paradigm of classic monitoring systems. Titaan Suite collects and correlates service logs, applications, virtual servers, server infrastructure and network assets in a single hub.
Observability: ability to measure the state of a system on the basis of the data it generates
Titaan Hyperioon performs interactive analyses (search, drill down, pivoting and viewing) or automated analyses (alerts, fault detection) of all data, simplifying the understanding of the correlation and causes among the various types of data.
Titaan Hyperioon is the solution
We eliminate visibility gaps when systems are halted
Titaan Hyperioon is the Observability solution for On Premise, Hybrid and Cloud infrastructures that collect data from different sources, generating alerts with over 200 connectors. It immediately identifies the causes of slowdowns. It simplifies data analysis. It rapidly detects any potential fault or unforeseen event. It reports incidents rapidly and efficiently.
Need more information?
Our team will be happy to provide you with all the necessary information to guide you on your path to data protection, assisting you in strengthening your company’s protection barriers.
Titaan Hyperioon in short
Custom Exploration
Metrics and attributes can be explored continuously and rapidly (host name, IP address, tags) on a large scale in the required manner, required order, required viewing method.
Machine Learning Logics
The integrated automatic learning on some modules automatically relates the faults to data and dependencies to find the main cause (RCA).
Data Enrichment
It enhances events with correlations used to explore problems according to the context. It identifies significant trends in the infrastructure data and relates it to other sources.
High Efficiency
It promotes cooperation and increases team efficiency, accelerating problem solving times. It combines the infrastructure metrics with logs for complete end-to-end visibility.
User-friendly Interface
All events coming from servers, virtual machines and containers are collected in a specifically designed, user-friendly interface to view insights.
What Titaan Suite gives you
Prevention and reduction of the costs of system inefficiencies
user-friendly, real-time reporting dashboard
Continuous monitoring of every device using artificial intelligence
Automatic alerts in the event of faults, and minimisation of false positives

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