Fabio Leonardi, CEO
Cyberoo is built on a culture of innovation, which is at the heart of ideas, projects, services, design and development processes
Our strategy integrates innovation and sustainability, it focuses on digital transformation as a growth engine, research and development of ideas, sharing of knowledge and on the support of production chains. The goal is sustainable and inclusive development that respects the environment and puts people, communities and territories at the center.
Cyberoo pursues an industrial development model based on the principles of sustainability, transparency and quality, making concrete commitments and adopting specific management and organizational structures, with the aim of creating shared value for all its stakeholders and respecting the environment.
The drivers of the strategy
Cyberoo believes that for the creation of shared value for sustainable growth, it is fundamental to define specific procedures of company management. Under the impetus of the Group’s top management, Cyberoo aims to implement transparent and accurate external communication through the Sustainability Report, to inform stakeholders about strategic and operational developments.
Highlights 2023
SGI ISO 27001
Integrated Management System for Quality and Information Security (IMS) – ISO 27001
FAI, CRIT and BNP Paribas
Three of the new collaborations with local and national entities
CERT and Cyberoo
Cyberoo has joined the CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) circuit of the Trusted Introducer
No penalties
No sanctions and/or litigation in environmental, social and economic matters
Cyberoo pursues a policy of high attention to technological evolution: with a view to continuous improvement, it constantly invests in the development and maintenance of its technological infrastructures. Innovation and operational efficiency are at the heart of the business model, with resilient infrastructures that support sustainable business growth and the optimization of internal processes.
Highlights 2023
Continuous improvement
of the internal system
Partnership agreements
throughout the country
Leading “Representative Vendor 2023” of cybersecurity services in Italy
Cyberoo has built stable relationships with leading companies that offer specialized cybersecurity solutions and activities at national and international levels. It manages suppliers with loyalty and professionalism, promoting continuous and solid relationships. Cyberoo considers it essential to measure the impacts of its ecosystem and collaborate with partners in a process of mutual learning and co-evolution.
Highlights 2023
No data breaches
in 2023
Suppliers located
in Italy
29 %
Local suppliers (Emilia Romagna region)
Activities with local authorities,
compared to 2022
The statement showing the value generated and distributed is prepared based on the company Balance Sheet, with the aim of highlighting the economic value directly generated by the Cyberoo Group and its distribution to internal and external stakeholders.
Highlights 2023
20 mil. €
Economic value generated
14,8 mil. €
Economic value distributed
Cyberoo considers people a strategic resource, aiming to enhance the work and experiences of employees through optimal conditions, respect for human rights and transparency in recruitment. The company promotes an environment based on well-being, merit and skills development, pursuing ethics as a fundamental value. Staff growth is central, supported by continuous training initiatives to strengthen the link with the organization.
Highlights 2023
100 %
Hired on an indefinite-term contract
97 %
Full-time contracts
62 %
Employees aged
between 30 and 50 years old
50 %
Senior Managers hired
within the local community
Cyberoo, considering environmental protection essential for sustainable development, aims to reconcile the needs of economic development and value creation with respect and environmental protection. The primary objective is to develop business activities with a view to improving performance and respecting the environment.
Highlights 2023

With 24bottles, the group has reduced CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 80 grams/employee
Tons of waste produced equivalent to -51% compared to 2022
Sustainability Reports
The Sustainability Report has been prepared by reporting on a selection of the “GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards” published by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI 2021), as indicated in the GRI Content Index of this document, according to the “With reference” reporting option.
It should be noted that the Cyberoo Group does not fall within the scope of Legislative Decree no. 254 of 30 December 2016 which, in implementation of Directive 2014/95/EU, has provided for the obligation to prepare a Non-Financial Statement (“NFS”) for public-interest entities that exceed certain quantitative thresholds. The Sustainability Report is therefore prepared on a voluntary basis and does not represent an NFS.
The general principles applied for the preparation of the Sustainability Report are those established by the GRI Standards: relevance, inclusiveness, sustainability context, completeness, balance between positive and negative aspects, comparability, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, clarity.
The performance indicators selected are those required by the reporting standards adopted, representative of the specific sustainability areas analyzed and consistent with the activity carried out by Cyberoo and the impacts it produces.
The financial statements are available in Italian.