The positive trends recorded in 2024 concern commercial, communication and marketing activities
In the technical area the departments were expanded and reorganized, with a great focus on the strategic development of AI
Reggio Emilia, February 25th 2025 – Cyberoo S.p.A., innovative SME listed on the EGM market of Borsa Italiana, specializing in cyber security for enterprises, continues its growth path, confirming the solidity of its strategies and propensity towards the market. While waiting for the financial statements to be released on March 27th, 2025, the qualitative data recorded from the second half of 2024 highlight the positive trend of the business and the correct setting of the path envisioned for 2025.
On the commercial front, the commitment is constant to the company expansion. There are already over 100 Cyberoo partners between Italy and Poland, which have generated 608 new contracts in 2024. The situation in Spain, another key market, is also positive, here a distribution contract was activated, and agreements were signed with 4 new partners.
Particularly important, for the Italian cybersecurity sector, were also the national communication and marketing activities. The focus has been to discuss IT security issues, and more, to an increasingly wide audience of companies and private citizens.
The activities carried out last year received great attention:
- the video of the “Above The Rest” campaign has recorded over 3 million impressions, more than 80 thousand views. The related podcast has already recorded over 5 million impressions and 70 thousand listens, thanks to the highly appreciated participation of Federico Buffa.
- Visits to the site stood at 185 thousand. The two blogs were also very popular: the first one focused on awareness issues recorded 13 thousand visits, while the second, with a more technical perspective, put online in February 2024, already 3 thousand visits with constantly increasing data.
- The LinkedIn page, on the other hand, reached over 1 million impressions.
During the year, the company also organized or participated in a total of 61 events of different types. Those organized by Cyberoo were addressed to partners and customers, touching on different topics and recording great participation, with over 600 presences in some of them. The important amount of communication activity was preparatory and accompanied the results achieved in 2024.
Looking at the data relating to technical activities, which are extremely significant, Cyberoo has collected 1 trillion (equivalent to 1012) of LOGs (metadata). The analysis of metadata has therefore identified, thanks to AI and Machine Learning, 293 thousand attack patterns otherwise invisible to basic security systems. In the area of Incident Response, the Cyberoo team managed incidents in 5.4 days on average, compared to a global average of 22 days. An exceptional result guarantees companies a restart of operations in record time.
In the last six months, moreover, the technical activities have been the subject of a profound reorganization that saw, in October, the appointment of Matteo Ghiotto, already AI Developer Director of Cyberoo, as CTO. Ghiotto thus took charge of the reorganization and expansion of the technical departments, including the SOC management, Incident Response and Research and Development teams. The focus of this strategic development is also on AI, which is of great and growing importance in business solutions.
Finally, the excellent performance of Cyberoo Docetz, a Group company specializing in Security Advisor and VCISO activities on customers of great national importance. Today Cyberoo is able not only to bring innovative services to the market but also to offer superpartes consulting services specialized in the evolution of the security posture of companies This approach ensures that all stakeholders have the right solution to corporate security issues. In 2024 alone, thanks also to the excellent work done by the reseller network, almost 200 companies have chosen Cyberoo evolutionary consulting services.
“While waiting for the balance sheet numbers, we believe that the qualitative data give a clear picture of how the company continues to grow and consolidate its position in the sector – said Veronica Leonardi, Executive Board Member & CMO of Cyberoo –. The solidity of the strategy, the results abroad, the growing level of listening and the effectiveness of our solutions, which are increasingly advanced, make us very optimistic. We look – added Leonardi – at our industrial path, at our evolution, focusing decisively on the safety and satisfaction of the customer, who knows and will always be able to concretely evaluate the quality of our offer. This is and will be the guarantee of our path in the present and in the future. I would like to add, – Leonardi concluded – that even in 2024 we have been able to count on the incredible commitment and specific professionalism of our 50 Ukrainian colleagues. We continue to hope, for the good of all, and that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will be resolved as soon as possible.”
Cyberoo S.p.A., società quotata sul Mercato Euronext Growth Milan di Borsa Italiana, è una Pmi Innovativa emiliana specializzata in cyber security per le imprese, intesa non solo come protezione dei sistemi informatici dagli attacchi esterni ma come realizzazione di una vera e propria strategia in grado proteggere, monitorare e gestire le informazioni dell’ecosistema IT. Cyberoo si rivolge al mercato delle medie imprese con un portfolio di soluzioni enterprise ampio e profondo, sviluppate tramite l’utilizzo delle più avanzate tecnologie e con una catena del valore che permette di proporre a questo mercato prezzi in linea con le capacità di spesa.
Chief Marketing Officer & Investor Relator
Veronica Leonardi | +39 0522 388111
CYBEROO PRESS OFFICE ReputationValue, communication & public affairs
Federico Ziller | +39 335 7555508
Fabio Pandolfini | +39 339 7214602
EnVent Italia SIM S.p.A. +39 02 22175979