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Plant a tree. A single gesture, many benefits.

In CYBEROO we aim to focus on people and human relationships as well as work ethics. We value everyone’s differences and encourage each individual to express themselves at their best.

Diversity is a value for us, just as it is in our natural ecosystem.

That’s why this year CYBEROO has decided to collaborate with Treedom to offset the CO2 emissions with the aim of reducing pollution and doing a small, but valuable action in favor of ecology, equity and biodiversity.

With the help of Treedom we have planted 100 different fruit trees in Kenya, Tanzania and Colombia.

In this way we will contribute to reduce more than 10 tons of CO2 and to give protected work to the farmers, who will be the guardians and beneficiaries of our forest, dedicated to our customers and collaborators.

Since its foundation, Treedom has planted more than 2,400,000 trees in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Italy. All trees are planted by local farmers and produce environmental, social and economic benefits.



A zero-emission bottle.

CYBEROO has decided to provide a 24bottle to every employee.


-0.08 is the amount of CO2 you avoid releasing into the atmosphere each time you reuse a 24Bottles, instead of buying a disposable plastic water bottle. In fact, producing a disposable plastic bottle involves the emission of 80 grams (0.08 Kg) of CO2 eq.

We are happy and proud to have embarked on a path to make our business increasingly sustainable, but as we stated we are conscious that there are just small steps and we have to do more.

Software development processes do have an impact on the environment. The issue comes into play with the hardware the software runs on, which consumes energy and produces carbon emissions. This means that the approach to software development does impact the carbon footprint of the end user. In addition, there are other factors that impact emissions such as the energy consumption of data centers, employee travel, etc …

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time and we are confident that companies must do their part. For this reason, we have no doubt that we will take action as soon as possible to establish and pursue ESG objectives

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